House Rules

Everyone’s experience is important. To keep queer communities on Bent safe and respectful, everyone must adhere to the following rules. To learn more about where these rules come from, check out Bent’s policies.

Accept People as They Are

We don’t allow language or behavior that invalidates people’s identities, feelings or experiences. This includes deliberate misgendering, deadnaming or claiming that an identity isn’t real.

Don’t Be a Jerk

We have a zero-tolerance policy for language or behavior that excludes or demeans marginalized groups. This includes behavior that is racist, sexist, ableist, classist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, anti-Black, anti-immigrant, fat-shaming or that discriminates based on faith, culture, skin color, age, sexual preference, kink, HIV status or other medical conditions

Respect Boundaries

Everyone should have the right to say no and set their own boundaries. Don’t bother anyone who’s asked you to leave them alone.

Be Careful with Sensitive Content

Never share your own or others’ sensitive information. Remember that sharing other people’s intimate content without their consent is a crime.

Be Open and Real

You’ll meet new people and learn new things. Keep an open mind, welcome others and stay empathetic. Don’t impersonate others or post spam.

Follow Your Community’s Guidelines

Every community is different. Get to know your hosts and follow their guidelines. Be excellent to each other.